Thursday, December 15, 2011

Grand Theft Auto III iOS Review

Well, it's finally here Grand Theft Auto III on Apple's iOS platform. It's also available for certain android devices, but I do not have one capable of playing this port. This review is strictly for the iOS version which is more than likely the same thing.

The game looks fantastic and plays great. Occasional slowdowns may detract from the experience slightly, but they don't happen very often and only seem to happen during times when a lot is happening. The controls are excellent with the only drawback being if you have larger fingers. As of right now, no cheat codes have been made available and there may not be any included within this port.

Don't let that deter you from purchasing this great title for your on-the-go gaming collection! It's only $5 bucks. Seriously. Give up your Subway for one day. Do it. NOW!! :P

Monday, December 12, 2011

Google Maps is now a First-Person Shooter?

Well, Street View is.

I spent a couple of minutes with it and it is rather interesting. It gets old fast though. Have a whirl and let me know what you think on Twitter: @rampag3edition.


Sunday, December 11, 2011

Quick Update 12/11/11

First thing is first. I have made a Twitter account for 2turbo and you can follow it at @rampag3edition or you can see that I added a ticker on the side with my Twitter updates and that also has a function that will allow you to follow me. Either way, follow me. 

Next, I'm still working on how to get a "radio" on here for the site. I will make sure that it will be defaulted to "Off" when you visit the site since I know how annoying it can be to have music just suddenly come on while you are web surfing. This is even more so annoying when you are already listening to something and don't want it to get garbled with my music. 

Finally, I am going to start posting here daily starting by either Wednesday or Thursday. I most likely won't have an article on here for at least another week until I can think of something to write about. My daily posts will be either gaming or retro related. 

That's all I have to say for now. Just please check out my Facebook page and my Twitter. Thank you! :)

Friday, December 9, 2011

Overhaul coming very soon

An overhaul for 2Turbo will be done within the next couple of weeks.

Here is a list of plans I have for the site:
  • New Twitter account to be announced soon
  • Daily blog posts. At least one per day, even if it's not a feature article.
  • Features at least once per week. Reviews, First Impression, etc.
  • YouTube gaming vlog using the current channel Rampag3Edition
  • Updates to the collection page
  • Frequent usage of the Facebook page. The Facebook page will be the main way to contact me.
I know I've been ignoring the site, but I didn't feel quite up to updating until I figured out a very flexible and malleable schedule that I can follow, even when I have school. I may even update the layout and create new graphics to make the site less plain, but all in due time. I may also add a "radio" to play video game music if one desires a little bit more excitement. I have also been approved for Google Ads so there may be ads appearing on the site. I may just limit that to the YouTube channel though.

Alright, see y'all later :)

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Ok, I got lazy

I know I promised a lot of content by now, but with school and such getting in the way I've had little motivation to work on this site. I'm going to see what I can do with my youtube channel and probably be more active there and use this site when I have time to write and post articles.

I have made a new youtube channel called "Rampag3Edition" (pronounced "Rampage Edition") since the regular spelling was already taken.

I have updated the YouTube tab up above to link to the new channel. I am going to make my first video soon, which will just be a recent game pickup video.

Hopefully you guys will enjoy the new channel and I'll update this when I can.


Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Well that was just great...

As the title suggests, I did something rather dumb.

I was clearing out some space on my computer and I accidentally deleted the capture footage for the game I was going to review. This means I can't finish the video I was working on.

I'm going to recapture the footage, but in the meantime, I will work on a new article and hopefully I can have the video review up in a few days.

-Video Game Dude

Friday, August 5, 2011

My First Video Review Is Coming Soon!!

If you've been checking my Facebook page, I spent a majority of this evening capturing footage, writing a script (review) and started editing the video. Of course, everything was going great until Vista's "Data Execution Protection" decided to kick in and freeze my video editor. Now I'm a few paces back from where I was, but I hope to get the video completed tomorrow and possibly uploaded as soon as Sunday (or maybe even tomorrow, however it's unlikely). Keep checking back and I'll catch you guys later!

-Video Game Dude

First Impression: Bandai Wonderswan Color

The WonderSwan Color I own
When I first heard about the Bandai WonderSwan, I thought it was a mediocre hand-held console due to the fact it was only around for four years (1999 - 2003). There weren't any games that were notable to me and no one Stateside seemed to know about it.

As a few more years progressed, I became increasingly more interested in this relatively obscure gaming device. I began to check eBay from time to time to see how much these consoles ran for. I was surprised to see that the WonderSwan regularly ran for $5 to $10 (not including shipping). However, the WonderSwan Color was usually listed for $15 to $25 and could also run upwards to $100 if it was a special edition model or if it came with numerous games.

The games were also affordable with some being priced at 99 cents or even a penny. Some games were also expensive due to rarity, but these were few and far between and most games were priced under $5.

It was because of the affordability of this system and games that I became even more enthralled with the WonderSwan. It was only recently did I decide to purchase one because there was one game in particular that I was interested in owning. The port of the classic horror title Clock Tower.

About 2 weeks ago, a fully boxed copy of the game appeared on eBay and I could not resist. I had to have it. I placed my bid and within 2 days the game was mine for a somewhat high price of $20 and $5 for shipping from Japan. However, I needed a console to play it on. Luckily around the time I made the bid, I had also purchased a WonderSwan Color for $15 with the game Harobots included.

Why a WonderSwan Color?

I purchased the Color model because there were games made specifically for the WonderSwan Color. Some of these games could not be played on the original monochrome WonderSwan. Another reason is that since I have the console, I would like to collect for it in the future and all WonderSwan titles are compatible with the color version.

Then, just two days ago, I got it. The WonderSwan Color.

The console is a lot smaller than I originally believed it to be. This is good because it fits in my pocket very easily and it does not weigh very much, even with a battery. It runs on a single AA battery which has yet to run out of juice. I've read that the average battery life for the Wonderswan is 15 to 20 hours. A major reason for the great battery life is the fact that the console has no screen lighting. While this can make the system hard to see in low lighting, it isn't much of a problem in well-lit environments.

The d-pad on this system is unique as it is comprised of separate buttons as opposed to being a single pad. Another unique feature is that it has two d-pads. The reason is simply that some games were made to be played in portrait mode whereas most games were designed for landscape. The buttons are very responsive and feel nice to play games for lengthy periods of time.

The console does not have a power switch, instead it has a power button which is actually quite nice. The sound is also a single button and only has 4 settings (Off, Low, Medium, Loud) which can make it awkward to adjust the volume. The sound quality is really good for the system and the sound effects are a lot nicer and clearer than some Gameboy games.

Running Harobots
 The graphics are very nice and more detailed than many Gameboy games that I have played. I have read that the visuals are in between Gameboy Color and Gameboy Advance, which I can easily say is true. I have yet to play a color game, but from what I have seen online the games are quite nice and detailed.

Although I have yet to receive my copy of Clock Tower, I have been able to test the handheld with the game Harobots. The game is entirely in Japanese (as are all of the titles) and I cannot figure out the plot at all. It's a mech-based RPG that is strikingly similar to the Pokemon games. In my personal experience, RPG's tend to be the most difficult to play when you have no idea of the plot nor can you understand the language it is presented in. I do not believe I will spend much time with this particular game.

There are plenty of other games that are available and most action games are easily playable without knowledge of the Japanese language. There is even a version of Golden Axe that I would like to eventually get. The console also recieved ports of Final Fantasy 1, 2, and 4 with a version of 3 that was in development but later scrapped. This was due to Squaresoft entering an agreement with Bandai since they were angered at Nintendo and the WonderSwan was a direct competitor to the Gameboy Advance.

All in all, the WonderSwan is a nice handheld that is a great addition to my collection. I would recommend this to anyone who is a collector or enjoys playing Japanese titles. I know once I get my copy of Clock Tower, I won't put it down.

-Video Game Dude

Thursday, August 4, 2011

"My Collection" Page Finished

I have finished going through all of my games and I have a complete list of them along with what accessories I own. The page has a few cosmetic issues that I am trying to fix, but it's nothing major.

Coming soon will be pictures of my collection and my first article!

-Video Game Dude

*edit* I am also thinking of making "My Collection" expand across different pages for aesthetic reasons. For now it will stay as it is until I construct the new sections.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


Welcome to!

Soon, this site will be full of retro gaming news, reviews, and articles. I plan on updating regularly as well as my Youtube channel that you can view here: Youtube Channel.

The channel is currently empty as is this site, but I am going to start working on both of these immediately. Please note that this is all for a hobby I enjoy. There may be times during which I'm not able to post content regularly since I do go to school.

Please keep checking back here and my Youtube channel for updates.

-The Video Game Dude